Thursday, February 11, 2010

Time For Some Show and Tell

It really means the world to us when people out in the world respond to our music by making more art. That's one of the main reasons we started this blog, so we could share the other music and art that people have given to us over the years. 

Here, we'll start with one brand-new thing and one from a few years back. A while back, I met a rapper named Musik G ( I've been a hip-hop fan for a long time, but to my surprise, he really liked our song "Swingset Chain" and told me he wanted to add a third verse to the song. He really nailed it in my opinion, and it brings my original feelings from when I wrote the song back to the surface. 

My best friend Kari lives in Minnesota. We grew up together in MN, three doors down from each other. When I moved to California, it broke both of our hearts a little. Then she moved to Chicago for college. We spent eight years only seeing each other maybe once or twice a year. And then, to my delight, she moved to San Francisco and lived right down the street from me again. But it was not to last. The pull was too great for her to go back to Minneapolis, and that's when I wrote this song, with a broken heart. 

Finally, we're sharing it. I really can't believe it took this long (well, I did lose it in a drawer for a a couple years):

And below is a cool piece of art our cool Facebook fan Knisterpapier made for us. (And yes, that is a rooster in the photo with me.)

If you have anything you want to share with us, we'd love to see it. Please send it our way:

xoxo, Loquat


  1. Nice. Thanks for posting this. And I always wondered where else it might be 30 below! Looking forward to your next show in the cities.

  2. Can you re-upload the song? The link is broken :(
